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In regard to origins, there are only two possibilities. Either someone made everything or everything made itself. There are no alternatives.

In our world today, evolutionary theory (of which there are three commonly accepted varieties: Darwinian, neo-Darwinian, and saltation) stands as the chief representative of one position. Creationism is the other position.

Someone may ask, “What about pantheism and Gaea?” Pantheism declares that everything is god, and the Gaea theory fancifully says that our world is a god. Since both teach that matter made itself, they are just forms of evolution. 

So there are two possible ways that matter, stellar objects, plants and animals came into existence. Only two.

How can we know which is correct? One way is by observing the things of nature. We call that science. That is what researchers do.

This Site provides you with thousands of items of data from scientific research and observation. It clearly establishes that evolution cannot possibly be the causal agent of matter, objects, or life(See Life DNA Protein and Fossils).

That leaves us with Creationism as the only means by which everything came into existence.

Someone will ask, “But what are the evidences that Creationism is true?” There are two. 

First, the only alternative is clearly disproved by a massive amount of findings.

Second,—and if possible —even more solid, we have the very existence of everything about us! Whether it be the whirling of electrons in the atom, the orbit of our world which mysteriously does not decay and crash us into the sun, or the existence of a living creature.

Can anyone, viewing a hummingbird in action and knowing that all its hundreds of organs are packed inside something the size of a marble, believe the myth that, way back, it originated when a lightning bolt hit some dirty seawater?

Come now, not even a four-year-old would believe that one.

Not evolution, but a creative act of God brought everything into 6 days which is our pattern for a daily week i.e. 6 days plus one more in which God "rested".This is the seven day week which everyone in the world aligns themselves to.I wonder why that is the case? Well read on...

 The mountain of scientific data now available to us also narrows the range of that Creation act. It obviously occurred rather  recently, only within the last few thousand years. We know this because the condition and arrangement of sedimentary strata(see fossils) show it was rapidly laid down by a worldwide Flood only a few millenniums ago . We also know it because of 58 (see Age of earth) dramatic findings that our world is youthful.

Other types of scientific evidence establish the fact that, contrary to what some Christians suggest, no evolving from one species to another has occurred. The original species remain intact, but they have produced many sub-species.See Natural Selection

Although neither the book of Genesis nor any other part of the Bible is used in the site as scientific evidence, we should note that those Christians who choose to embrace evolutionary theory deny the reality of the Genesis accounts of the Creation and the Flood. If we cannot trust Genesis, what can we trust? 

In addition, according to the Bible, sin and death began after the fall of Adam and Eve. But that important truth would be negated by the theory that savagery, violence, and sudden killing reigned for millions of years on our planet before Adam and Eve came into existence.

So that brings us back to two views of origins, evolution or Creation—only two. By accepting the one, we reject the other. They cannot be blended.

 “I have often thought how little I should like to have to prove organic evolution in a court of law.”—*Errol White, Proceedings of the Linnean Society, London (1966) [an ichthyologist (expert on fish) in a 1988 address before a meeting of the Linnean Society in London].

“I doubt if there is any single individual within the scientific community who could cope with the full range of  [creationist] arguments without the help of an army of consultants in special fields.”—*David M. Raup, “Geology and Creation,” Bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History, Vol. 54, March 1983, p. 18.

“The evolutionary establishment fears creation science, because evolution itself crumbles when challenged by evidence. In the 1970s and 1980s, hundreds of public debates were arranged between evolutionary scientists and creation scientists. The latter scored resounding victories, with the result that, today, few evolutionists will debate. Isaac Asimov, Stephen Jay Gould, and the late Carl Sagan, while highly critical of creationism, all declined to debate.”—James Perloff, Tornado in a Junkyard (1999), p. 241.

“No one has ever found an organism that is known not to have parents, or a parent. This is the strongest evidence on behalf of evolution.”—*Tom Bethell, “Agnostic Evolutionists,” Harper’s, February 1985, p. 61.

“As by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed. Why do we not find them embedded in the crust of the earth? Why is not all nature in confusion instead of being, as we see them, well-defined species?”—*Charles Darwin, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation (1866), p. 139.

“Evolution became in a sense a scientific religion; almost all scientists have accepted it and many are prepared to bend their observations to fit in with it.”—*H. Lipson, “A Physicist Looks at Evolution,” Physics Bulletin 31 (1980), p. 138




Earth Spinning

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